Pet Weight Loss Program
Our Free Weight Loss and Vitality Program aims to help your pet to lose weight and gain optimum health and vitality.
Is your pet overweight?
To help you get your pet into top shape, we provide a Free Weight Loss and Vitality Program. The program aims to help you to get your pet to lose weight and gain optimum health and vitality.
At the first visit, we will weigh your pet, measure the abdominal circumference and work out a condition score. Based on the results, we will work out the optimum weight and the right amount of food to feed. You will then be asked to book a free follow up visit every month until we reach your pet’s optimum weight.
At every follow-up visit, we will fill in your pet’s progress chart and do a re-evaluation of our weight loss plan. This is a free program where one of our staff members will support you all the way to reach your pet’s optimum weight and vitality.
Some of the common disorders associated with excess weight include:
Respiratory and Heart disease
High blood pressure
Many forms of cancer – especially intra-abdominal cancers
Joint stress / musculoskeletal pain
Exercise intolerance
Increased surgical and anaesthetic complications
Reproductive disorders
Heat intolerance

Our Free Weight Loss and Vitality Program can help to prevent the above-mentioned health problems. Speak to us today.
Pet owners from all over Fremantle, Hilton, Hamilton Hill, O’Connor, White Gum Valley, Beaconsfield, Willagee, Samson, Coolbellup, Kardinya, Spearwood and Coogee have been coming to Hilton Vet Hospital for more than 30 years to receive exceptional service and care for their pets.