General Health Care for Pet Cats
Health tips and advice for your purr-fect cats

Cat Vaccinations
Feline Enteritis
Signs of the disease include depression, vomiting, diarrhoea (commonly containing blood), marked dehydration and severe abdominal pain. If queens contract the virus while pregnant, the kittens may be born with coordination problems or other abnormalities.
The virus is very hardy and survives well in the environment. The small number of cats that do become infected and survive can carry the virus for some time. They can still infect other cats. All cats should be vaccinated.
Feline Respiratory Disease (Cat Flu)
Signs of this disease complex include sneezing, nasal and ocular discharge, limping, depressed appetite and ulcers on the tongue and/or eyes. Some of these signs can last for many weeks and cause significant discomfort.
This disease complex commonly occurs in multi-cat households. It is not uncommon for cats to become carriers after they have recovered from this disease and to infect other cats and, particularly, kittens. All cats should be vaccinated.
Feline Leukaemia
These cats can transmit the disease in their saliva, tears, urine and nasal secretions. As with other contagious diseases, this virus can be transmitted by sharing communal feeding areas, litter trays and toys and by mutual grooming.
The disease often leads to a depressed appetite, weight loss, anaemia, vomiting, diarrhoea, reproductive problems and a highly increased risk of developing other infections and tumours. These signs can present years after the initial infection. All cats should be vaccinated.

How often do I need to worm my cat?
Regular worming is essential – every 3 months for adult cats. While treatment kills worms present in the intestine at the time, re-infections can occur from other pets and the environment. Once is not enough.
Kittens need to be wormed at 6, 8, and 12 weeks then 3 monthly. Pregnant and lactating queens should be treated prior to mating, ten days before kittening, and two to four weeks after kittening.
MOXICLEAR has been shown to kill adult and larval fleas within 20 minutes of contact by absorption via the flea intersegmental membranes. Stops fleas from feeding in 3-5 minutes. Fleas are not required to bite the animal to receive a lethal dose. The continuous feeding activity of fleas on pets may elicit a hypersensitivity skin disorder known as flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). Treatment of pets with MOXICLEAR rapidly kills fleas and reduces the incidence of this condition. MOXICLEAR may be used as the only product for flea control as it breaks the life cycle and kills fleas emerging from the environment to reinfest the cat. More rapid resolution of heavy environmental infestations may be obtained by additional environmental control measures using a suitable registered product. It is recommended that all cats in the same environment should be protected by MOXICLEAR for cats and all dogs with MOXICLEAR for dogs.
Ear Mites
Worm Control
This very affordable Top Spot application is safe and easy to apply and takes care of Fleas, Heart worm Ear Mites, Round worm and Hookworm.

It is a myth that female cats need a first litter, which is one of the reasons why the much loved cats belonging to animal welfare members never breed. Uncontrolled cats mating at night is a major source of noise complaints to councils.
What are the benefits of having a female cat sterilised?
Eliminates the noisy calling for a male admirer. Beware, cats continue to come into season until mated or sterilised.
Reduces the need to leave the home property which puts them in danger of cars, dogs and unfriendly people.
Reduces the risk of mammary cancer.
Prevents the oversupply of kittens which is a major reason cats and kittens are abandoned.
Female Cat Spay
Your cat needs to come to Hilton Vet Hospital on the appointed morning being fasted for 12 hours. Admission time is between 8am and 9am.
The surgery is a day procedure that is done under general gas anaesthesia. An intravenous fluid drip is placed to keep the blood pressure stable and make sure your pet wakes up feeling fully hydrated. As we warm the drip fluid, your pet will be comfortable and warm during the surgical procedure. Your pet will be connected to an advanced surgical monitor that allows us to keep a close eye on temperature, heart rate, respiration and oxygen saturation. The surgery is done under total sterile conditions to prevent infections. Your pet will receive triple pain relief to make sure all pain is under control. Pain relief includes an anti-inflammatory that lasts 24 hours, a strong painkiller that lasts 6 hours and a long-acting local anaesthesia that blocks the pain at the surgical site.
Your pet will go home with an Elizabethan collar to prevent her from licking the wound. We also provide pain relief for the next three days. You will get a call from us to call to confirm a discharge time that same afternoon. After 2 weeks, the stitches are removed. Complications are rare but you need to keep an eye on the wound and be on the lookout for swelling and infection.
What age do we sterilise cats?
Female cats can be sterilised any time from 4 months of age. Male cats can be sterilised any time from 6 months of age.
A sterilisation subsidy from the Fremantle City Council is available for both cats and dogs. Conditions apply. For further information regarding the subsidy telephone the Service and Information Counter on 08 9432 9999 or visit their website,

What are the benefits of having a male cat sterilised?
Free range unsterilised male cats spraying their foul smelling urine on doors and cars to mark their territory is unfair to neighbours.
The health of male cats driven to fight for mating territory are at risk from abscess, leukaemia and feline aids.
Male cats wander far from home for weeks when female cats are in season, they may never find their way home.
Prevents the oversupply of kittens which is a major reason cats and kittens are abandoned.
Male Cat Castration
This is a much shorter procedure that is done under intravenous anaesthesia. Both testicles are removed. The same sterile conditions and surgical monitoring apply as with the female cats mentioned above. Triple pain relief is given on the day as well as some to go home with. There are no stitches involved. You will get a call from us to call to confirm a discharge time that same afternoon. Keep him as still as possible for the next 3 days to prevent injury. Complications are rare but you need to keep an eye on the wound and be on the lookout for swelling and infection.
“Sterilised cats are healthier, live longer & are less of a nuisance to the community.”
Why come to Hilton Vet for the sterilisation of your cat?
You can expect skillful, accurate and precise vets to care for your cats and kittens in our purpose-built surgical theatre. Our qualified nurses provide excellent care with a focus on comfort; We provide excellent pain relief during and after the surgery.

Cat Laws



Call our team for any further information about caring for your pet cats. We’ll be happy to help!
Cat owners from all over Fremantle, Hilton, Hamilton Hill, O’Connor, White Gum Valley, Beaconsfield, Willagee, Samson, Coolbellup, Kardinya, Spearwood and Coogee have been coming to Hilton Vet Hospital for more than 30 years to receive exceptional service and care for their pets.