Free Pet Health Consultations
We offer free pet health consultations for new pet parents, dental checks and weight management.

New Pet Parents Consultations
For New Pet Owners
This information consultation for new pet owners covers 20 essential things you MUST know about your pet which include:
How to care and manage the health of your pet to maximise their their lifespan and quality of life
Why certain supermarket pet food & treats are not good for you pet
How to manage the different stages of your pet’s life
Best pet nutrition and foods for maximum health and longevity
Appropriate activity levels for the pet breed and the right type and options for exercise
Appropriate vaccination schedule for your breed to avoid typical major health problems, risks and big vet bills
What de-worming and parasite prevention techniques and products are most important
Why small regular trips to the vet a better than less frequent bigger (and more costly) trips
Which is the best type of pet insurance, and comparison charts so you can choose the right policy
Sterilisation options and timing
Pet training to get the most joy and minimum frustrations from your pet ownership
Grooming advice and recommendations specific to your breed
Pet dental recommendations and regular cleaning regimes that can avoid big dental bills and bad breath
Recommendations for alternative treatments and experiences for your pet (such as hydrotherapy, bathing, dog massage)
How to choose the right vacation care (kennel options) for your pet
Behavioral problems specific to your pet and how to avoid them
Pet dental recommendations and regular cleaning regimes that can avoid big dental bills and bad breath
What are the best pet accessories and pet care products for your breed
Creating a Calendar of Pet Care with Hilton Vet Hospital (with diarised follow up so you don’t have to remember)
Pricing options for various Pet Care Services relevant to this schedule, and how pet insurance can help you cover up to 80% of this

FREE Dental Health Checks
During this consultation one of our staff members will have a look at your pet’s teeth and give you advice on you pet’s dental care.
We will grade your pet’s dental health as follows:

Healthy mouth
Your pet’s teeth are in good shape! Continue with good dental care at home.

Grade I
Yellow plaque build up on your pet’s teeth.

Grade II
Your pet’s teeth are displaying signs brown tartar built up and mild gum disease.

Grade III
Moderate tartar built up, gum disease, receding gums and exposed roots.

Grade IV
Severe tartar and gum disease, infection and wobbly teeth.

Free Nurse Management Consultations
with our qualified nurses
During this free consult one of our qualified nurses will weigh and record your pets weight. We will measure the circumference of the abdomen and look at the shape of your pet.
Based on this, recommendations will be made regarding diet and exercise in order to reach your pet’s ideal body weight.
We recommend you bring your pet once a month to be reassessed, to track the progress, and to adjust the diet accordingly.
This is a free service from us to your pet to make sure he or she reach that ideal healthy weight.
Give us a call today and one of our friendly staff members can assist you with advice or booking a consult.
Pet owners from all over Fremantle, Hilton, Hamilton Hill, O’Connor, White Gum Valley, Beaconsfield, Willagee, Samson, Coolbellup, Kardinya, Spearwood and Coogee have been coming to Hilton Vet Hospital for more than 30 years to receive exceptional service and care for their pets.